Ewa Głażewska ORCID iD Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. Faculty of Humanities Poland
Associate Professor of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, PhD with habilitation in humanities under the discipline of cultural studies; Head of the Institute of Cultural Studies (UMCS). Scientific interests: Sociocultural Anthropology, Intercultural Communication, Sociology of Culture, Non-verbal Communication. Author of the monographs: Płeć i antropologia. Kulturowa koncepcja płci w ujęciu Margaret Mead (Gender and anthropology. Cultural Concept of Gender according to Margaret Mead, 2005) and Kuwada. Egzotyczny zwyczaj w nowej odsłonie (Couvade. An exotic custom in a new unveil, 2014). Co-author of the academic textbook Komunikacja niewerbalna – płeć i kultura. Wybór zagadnień (Nonverbal communication – gender and culture. Selection of issues, 2012). Author of the concept of non-verbal intercultural competences.