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Vol 7 (2024): edited by Grzegorz Lubeńczuk On the Concept of a Concept and the Use of the Name “Concept” in Legal Literature Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Zbigniew Romuald Kmiecik
Vol 7 (2024): edited by Grzegorz Lubeńczuk Parliamentary Control of Public Administration Bodies on the Example of Parliamentary Interventions and Their Quasi-Imperious Aspects Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Mateusz Dolińczyk
Vol 3 (2020): edited by Kamil Sikora Participants in Administrative Court Proceedings in Multi-Stakeholder Proceedings Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jakub Polanowski
Vol 5 (2022): edited by Marian Zdyb Principles of Administrative Law and Legal Security of Citizens Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Małgorzata Szreniawska
Vol 1 (2018): edited by Hanna Spasowska-Czarny Protected Areas of Rare Species of Birds` Breeding Ground: Peculiarities of Legal Regulation in Ukraine Abstract   PDF
Galyna Mikolayvna Levina
Vol 3 (2020): edited by Kamil Sikora Public Burdens in Situations of Constitutional Emergency Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Marcin Jerzy Konarski
Vol 3 (2020): edited by Kamil Sikora Realisation of Public Procurement during the COVID-19 Pandemic Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Zbigniew Leszek Mazur
Vol 4 (2021): edited by Paweł Szczęśniak Report on the 8th Polish National Scientific Conference “The Company Taxation”, Lublin, April 16, 2021 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Paweł Szczęśniak, Agata Lipińska
Vol 2 (2019): edited by Anna Ostrowska Report on the International Scientific Conference “Domestic, European Union and International Standards in Legal Protection of Animals”, Lublin, October 17, 2019 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Hanna Spasowska-Czarny
Vol 2 (2019): edited by Anna Ostrowska Report on the Polish National Scientific Conference “On the Interdependence of Public and Private Law in Doctrine and Practice in the Age of Changes”, Lublin, June 14, 2019 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Ostrowska, Hanna Spasowska-Czarny
Vol 2 (2019): edited by Anna Ostrowska Reputation of a Local Government Unit – Legal Aspects Abstract   PDF
Wojciech Szczotka
Vol 4 (2021): edited by Paweł Szczęśniak Restitution of Wisents in Poland: The Activities Aimed at Wisent Protection Abstract   PDF
Hanna Spasowska-Czarny
Vol 3 (2020): edited by Kamil Sikora Restrictions on Sports Economic Activities Related to Counteracting COVID-19 – a Few Comments Regarding the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 21 December 2020 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jakub Ginszt
Vol 4 (2021): edited by Paweł Szczęśniak Review: „Administratywizacja” prawa karnego czy „kryminalizacja” prawa administracyjnego?, eds. M. Bogusz, W. Zalewski, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2021, pp. 250 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Wojciech Taras
Vol 3 (2020): edited by Kamil Sikora Review: Iwona Sierpowska, “Śmierć w ujęciu prawa administracyjnego”, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2020, pp. 385 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Wojciech Taras
Vol 6 (2023): edited by Jerzy Stelmasiak Selected Aspects of Individual Public Participation in Proceedings Requiring Public Participation Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Michał Kiedrzynek
Vol 7 (2024): edited by Grzegorz Lubeńczuk Size of Constituencies in Elections to Voivodeships Assemblies and the Principle of Proportional Elections Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Marek Woźnicki
Vol 5 (2022): edited by Marian Zdyb Some Remarks on the Origin of Substantive Administrative Law in Western Europe Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Karol Dąbrowski
Vol 4 (2021): edited by Paweł Szczęśniak Statutory Regulation of the System of a Local Self-Government Unit in the Light of the Principles of Subsidiarity and Decentralization of Public Authority Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Przemysław Mroczkowski
Vol 5 (2022): edited by Marian Zdyb Statutory Regulations on the Financial Economy of the National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law – Characteristics and Proposal for Classification Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Monika Kępa
Vol 2 (2019): edited by Anna Ostrowska Suspension of Administrative Court Proceedings Due to Extraordinary Administrative Proceedings Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jakub Polanowski
Vol 7 (2024): edited by Grzegorz Lubeńczuk Suspension of Local Government Bodies and Establishment of Receivership During Martial Law Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jolanta Behr
Vol 6 (2023): edited by Jerzy Stelmasiak Termination of Pregnancy (Abortion) in the Light of the Jurisprudence of the Polish Constitutional Court Abstract   PDF
Piotr Ruczkowski
Vol 7 (2024): edited by Grzegorz Lubeńczuk The Concept of Material Supervision over Animal Welfare Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Michał Rudy
Vol 3 (2020): edited by Kamil Sikora The Contestability of Resolutions of an Inter-Municipal Association Meeting Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Sylwia Dąbrowska
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