Confronting MA students’ and seminar teachers’ diverse agendas concerning academic literacy development through an EAP writing course

Magdalena Trepczyńska


Academic courses aim to develop kinds of literacy that are significantly different from what students know from other contexts. Mastering ways of constructing knowledge in scholarly disciplines in a foreign language poses a considerable challenge, not only for the uninitiated. The challenge is none the less small for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing instructors as the currently observed diversity of student populations in master’s programs compels them to revise some of their long-standing assumptions and practices. The article reports on a study aiming to compare MA seminar teachers’ and beginner MA students’ perceptions of writing needs and an EAP course expectations and suggests how the responses can be used constructively in writing pedagogy.


EAP, academic writing courses, academic literacy, MA level writing needs, student and teacher expectations

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Date of publication: 2019-11-14 10:37:33
Date of submission: 2019-03-23 17:54:20


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