The Role of Future Leader’s Entrepreneurial Orientation in Family Firm Internationalization Process – the Polish Context
Research background: In CEE countries, especially in Poland, research on family entrepreneurship has a shorter tradition than in western countries, mainly due to the fact that most family enterprises were established after 1989 when the political system changed. Among others, the main area of interest for researchers associated with family enterprises is succession, especially areas connected with preparation of the successor, future leader of the company.
Purpose of the article: The research problem is to identify the conditions for the internationalization of family firms, which are associated with the person of a future leader (successor), in particular, those related to the entrepreneurial orientation of the leader. Therefore, the main research question is which and to what extent the dimensions of the leader’s entrepreneurial orientation influence the internationalization of family firms?
Research methods: The complexity of the researched topic prompted the use of advanced statistical methods. Therefore, the quantitative analysis was carried out using the SEM-PLS method, i.e. structural equation modeling using the partial least squares method.
Main findings: The dimensions that influence the internationalization are the pro-activity of the leader, the tendency of the leader to risk and the competitive aggression of the leader. Pro-activity of the leader in almost 20% affects the speed/pace of the internationalization of the family firm. This effect is enhanced by the presence of external managers. Future leader tendency towards risk and competitive aggression in almost 20% of every dimension affect the international achievements of a family firm.
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Date of publication: 2024-10-26 13:52:03
Date of submission: 2024-09-07 13:13:40
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