The Crucial Role of Timely Forensic Examinations in Investigating Crimes against the Sexual Integrity of Minors: A Case Study of Kazakhstan’s Forensic Analysis System

Arman R. Zavotpayev, Vitaliy V. Khan, Dmitriy V. Eremeev


Timely appointment of forensic examinations in the prosecution of crimes against the sexual integrity of minors is the key not only to their rapid and complete investigation, but also the most important means of proving the guilt of suspects. In most cases, apart from the victim’s testimony and the results of identification, the guilt of the criminal is confirmed only with the help of forensic expert opinions, and a delay in the implementation of forensic analysis can lead to the irreparable loss of traces of a criminal offense. The role of forensic expertise in the fight against crimes against the sexual integrity of minors in modern realities is massively increasing, as it directs investigations and provides evidence to combat the changing face of crime. In recent years, the Republic of Kazakhstan has experienced a qualitative development of the forensic analysis system, which is reflected in numerous adopted legislative initiatives. Proper organisation of criminal investigation and high-quality interaction of intelligence and investigative services in collecting and recording evidence, as well as strict compliance with the requirements of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan during forensic analysis, allow identifying crimes against the sexual integrity of minors and bringing the perpetrators to criminal responsibility. Strict adherence to protocols and procedures that ensure the integrity of medical records, documentation and all collected clinical and forensic evidence can only increase the value of a medical assessment of child sexual abuse during a forensic analysis.


prosecution of crimes; forensic examinations; crimes against the sexual integrity; minors; investigation

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Date of publication: 2023-06-27 10:36:46
Date of submission: 2022-07-20 11:08:21


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