The reportage: art and reality
Discussed is the nature of media reportage in the context of the art-like nature of non-artistic reality. Reportage is seen by the author as a hybrid form of creativity inspired by existing factual material and at the same time as one bearing all the hallmarks of a work of art. Examining the issue in the context of Maria Gołaszewska’s book on “Aesthetics of reality”, the author observes that the art-like nature of the existing reality used as the subject-matter in reportage is being tied up with non-artistic world events discerned through the prism of categories related to art. Accordingly, this field of creativity is shown to be the result of a cognitive mixture of two orders: the art and the reality.
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Date of publication: 2019-07-30 20:19:17
Date of submission: 2019-01-04 23:02:31
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