Cracow School of Linguistic Logopedics – the Past, the Present, and the Future

Mirosław Michalik


The article constitutes an attempt to create a synthetic description of the model of logopedic research which is generally known as the ‘Cracow school of linguistic logopedics’. The emphasis has been put on the historical, methodological and didactic interpretation of the model. The attention has also been paid to two aspects of functioning: organisational and personal. The presented approach to the practice of logopedics, which used to be associated with the nowinactive Chair of Logopedics and Educational Linguistics of the Institute of Polish Philology at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, is currently developed by two educational units: The Department of Neurolinguistics of the already mentioned institute, and by The Department of Logopedics and Educational Linguistics of The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw. These two units have been mentioned and described in the part of the text which refers to the present and the future of the Cracow school of linguistic logopedics.


Cracow school of linguistic logopedics; logopedics; linguistics; educational linguistics

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Date of publication: 2017-02-20 12:39:51
Date of submission: 2017-02-20 11:54:46


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