Challenges and prospects for the development of Russian LNG in the light of deteriorating relations with Western countries
The article deals with a current and important issue, namely the development of Russia's production and export of liquefied natural gas, in particular to Western European countries. The article outlines Russia's position as an exporter of liquefied natural gas, the challenges facing the LNG sector (especially in the area of exports) and the impact of sanctions from the European Union and the USA. Separately, the author desribes prospects for Russian LNG exports. Many sanctions imposed on Russia by the European Union and the United States have not led to a significant halt in the development of LNG in Russia. The Russian Federation will remain a significant exporter of natural gas, including to European customers. The deterioration of relations between Western countries and Russia side has delayed the implementation of some projects and partially undermined Russia's LNG production and export potential, but these losses don't prevent further development of the sector. The research hypothesis is confirmed that in the foreseeable future a high demand for LNG imported from Russia will continue. The article uses the forecasting method and the factorial method.
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Date of publication: 2024-12-27 21:07:44
Date of submission: 2024-03-19 08:58:19
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