Evolution and Current State of the American Model of Administrative Procedure: Towards Reform and Conceptual Understanding

Olena O. Markova, Viktoria O. Pankratova, Kateryna Naumenko, Lesia L. Honcharenko


Administrative procedure in the United States of America is an integral part of administrative law. It is universal in its nature as it plays the role of an effective tool to regulate the conduct and activities of officials of state authorities, to combat corruption, and to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. The relevant agencies issue rules and regulations that have the force of law. Currently, progressive governance largely depends on decisions of the state policy made in the course of government rule-making, and therefore certain aspects of the modern model of administrative procedure in the US should be revised with a view to further reform. The objective of the article is to conduct independent research on the formation and current condition of the American model of administrative procedure. A set of general scientific and special methods was used to achieve this objective. The leading method in the process of research was the dialectical method of cognition of phenomena and processes, which made it possible to determine the condition, areas and prospects for the development of scientific research and legislative developments in legal regulation and approbation of the American model of administrative procedure. The conclusion drawn by the authors made it possible to form a conceptual understanding of the American model of administrative procedure.


government rule-making; administrative procedure; progressive governance; model of administrative procedure; United States of America

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sil.2024.33.1.123-141
Date of publication: 2024-03-28 13:58:00
Date of submission: 2022-08-10 11:20:57


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