Axiological context of the process of behaviour deviation among adolescents

Sylwia Opozda-Suder, Barbara Ostafińska-Molik


The article presents the results of empirical research on the level of crisis in evaluation among adolescents characterized by a differential degree of social adaptation. The subject matter is therefore focused around the etiological aspects of deviant behaviour in relation to evaluative standards. The purpose of the analysis was reduced to verification of two research hypotheses: H1 The increase in the degree of behaviour deviation is positively related to the level of the experienced crisis in valuation. H2 Individuals who do not exhibit conduct disorders, individuals with conduct disorders and commit criminal offenses differ both in the degree of axion-normative crisis felt and in its dominant manifestations. The inference was carried out in a comparative scheme on three groups: (1) the socially adapted n = 158; (2) with conduct disorders n = 105; (3) committing criminal acts n = 114. The size of sample in total: 377 respondents aged between 14–18 years. The obtained results proved the validity of the theses, that an important element of the diagnosis of the risk of behaviour deviation in the case of adolescents should be the evaluation of the way of evaluation in order to undertake preventive actions aimed at solving the experienced difficulties in valuation.


values, crisis in evaluation, adolescents, level of social adaptation, behaviour deviation

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Date of publication: 2020-12-23 16:16:50
Date of submission: 2019-11-14 18:30:40


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