Socio-Cultural Animation and Media Education in the Face of Digital Information Misuse

Francesco Pira, Alicja Lisiecka


Introduction: One of the greatest threats in the data-driven technological world is information misuse. In the present, dynamic situation, researchers should seek to establish the scope of misuse, while educators must find new, effective ways of educating people of all ages about the issue. Due to its specific methodology, socio-cultural animation can be a useful approach to supporting media literacy among individuals and different types of social groups. Research Aim: This paper aims to demonstrate that the educational dimension of the animator's work should also include media education with a focus on digital information misuse. For this purpose, it presents the origins and main features of socio-cultural animation, the types of information misuse in the digital world and the assumptions of modern media education, and discusses why socio-cultural animation should, in conjunction with media education, prevent information misuse and mitigate its consequences. Evidence-based Facts: The literature review demonstrates that socio-cultural animation and media education have convergent underlying goals and values in the area of strengthening democratic processes in contemporary societies. Summary: Socio-cultural animation and media education share common goals and values. Due to its specific methodology, animation is an effective way of educating very different social groups. Knowledge of media education must be included in the animators’ training process. Animation methodology can be used to create innovative methods of media education in the local community and cultural institutions.


animacja społeczno-kulturalna; edukacja medialna; nadużycia informacji cyfrowych; nadużycia danych cyfrowych; dezinformacja; algorytmizacja

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Date of publication: 2022-12-07 21:18:52
Date of submission: 2022-06-11 13:42:21


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