Assessment of the Organization's Maturity Level in the Area of Human Resource Development (HRD) in SMEs Presented on the John Bourgoyone Model

Andrzej W. Różański


Introduction: The evolution in the approach to human resource development in enterprises is progressively heading towards systemic integration with the overall strategy of organization. This entails the need to develop methods for measurement of  the maturity level in the HRD area. Models used in practice are universal and flexible at their core, leaving quite a wide field for interpretation, what at the same time hinders their effective use. Research aim: The aim of the research was a practical verification of the J. Burgoyone Model, in the view of Matthews, Megginson, Surtees (2008), where the aforementioned model is used as a tool for assessment of the maturity level of systemic solutions in the area of human resources development in SMEs. The research problem was formulated in the form of a question whether the use of J. Burgoyone's Model in practice can effectively support the process of building a long-term human resource development strategy in small and medium-sized enterprises. Research method: Analytical process qualifies as a diagnostic research and was conducted in SME-type enterprises between 2019-2021. For this purpose, an original questionnaire was used (HRD Audit in A. Różański's organization - version 2018). Results: The analysis confirmed that HRD tools are used intuitively and are not systemically integrated in SME-type organizations. It is then again confirmed through the diversified level of advancement in terms of undertaken activities in various functional areas. Conclusions: The conducted analysis have shown that the use of the J. Burgoyone Model (and its subsequent adaptations) to assess the level of HRD maturity in SMEs additionaly requires the usage of „the second dimension of the assessment”, in this case the refinement of functional areas based on certain concepts (e.g. systematic approach to training, Sloman 2007). This type of operation enables of the advancement level in particular functional areas. In practice, this enables precise planning of activities supporting the identification of the subsequent steps in the process of integrating HRD with the process of building an overall organizational strategy.


human resources development, organizational maturity level, small and medium-sized enterprises

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Date of publication: 2021-12-31 11:13:22
Date of submission: 2021-09-15 11:22:01


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