The status of health pedagogy in Germany - in search of inspiration to strengthen the sub-discipline in the system of educational sciences in Poland

Agnieszka Buczak


Pedagogy of health is a subdiscipline of educational sciences, which in Poland has its sources in the social pedagogy of Helena Radlińska. In a situation of social and civilization changes, it requires development and scientific strengthening. Interest in health is constantly growing, society's health problems are changing, the approach to health-related issues in science takes on an interdisciplinary dimension, knowledge on health protection and disease control is expanding, and access to health knowledge is conducive to increasing health awareness.

In the search for opportunities to develop health pedagogy in Poland, it is worth referring to foreign experiences. Historical and socio-cultural conditions of interest in health issues in Germany and in our country show differentness. However, the fact of distinguishing in Polish and German terms such as: pedagogika zdrowia (Gesundheitspädagogik), edukacja zdrowotna (Gesundheitsbildung),  wychowanie zdrowotne (Gesundheiterziehung), czy oświata zdrowotna (Gesundheitsaufklärung)  favors comparative reflection of German language pedagogy in Poland and countries. In English-language literature, these terms are most often referred to as one concept of health education.

The status of health pedagogy in Poland and Germany is similar not only because of conceptual analogies, but also because of the interdisciplinary nature of this area of reflection and research. The inspiration for the development of health pedagogy in our country can be practical implications that go beyond the health education of children and adolescents and prevention carried out by health care facilities. Health pedagogy in Germany is increasingly used in the promotion of health at work, which contributes to increasing health awareness, improving the health culture of adults, as well as increasing employee productivity.


health pedagogy, health education, Germany, health awareness, health culture, health promotion

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Date of publication: 2020-12-23 16:16:31
Date of submission: 2020-02-20 13:48:25


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