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Issue Title
Vol 71, No 1 (2024) Restrictions on Taking Up Professional Activity after the Amendment to the Labour Code Introduced by the Act of 9 March 2023 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Paulina Matyjas-Łysakowska
Vol 69, No 1 (2022) Restrictions on the Protection of Personal Interests in the Conditions of Extraordinary Measures Introduced on the Territory of the Republic of Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Wojciech Szczotka
Vol 69, No 2 (2022) Restrictions on the Right to Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic versus Restrictions Applied in Education System Units Organized in Healthcare Entities Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jolanta Behr
Vol 68, No 1 (2021) Review Article: Politik, Recht und Religion, hrsg. v. Andreas Anter, Verena Frick, Tübingen 2019, pp. 244 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Karol Dąbrowski
Vol 70, No 1 (2023) Review Article: Richard Frederick Heller, The Distributed University for Sustainable Higher Education, Springer, Singapore 2022, pp. XII+80 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Karol Dąbrowski
Vol 68, No 1 (2021) Review: Małgorzata Gałązka, Prawnokarne granice nowatorskiej interwencji medycznej, Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Lublin 2019, pp. 855 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Paweł Daniluk
Vol 66, No 1 (2019): Księga Jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Lechowi Dubelowi Revisionism as a Manifestation of the Rationalization of Socialist Thought Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Marcin Niemczyk
Vol 64, No 2 (2017) Right of Equal Access to Public Service Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Grzegorz Lubeńczuk
Vol 69, No 1 (2022) Right to Information about Patient’s Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Agnieszka Wołoszyn-Cichocka
Vol 71, No 2 (2024) Risks in the Work of Doctors Pronouncing Death and Future Coroners: A Review of the Current Situation in Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Karolina Dębek-Kalinowska, Maciej Kalinowski, Sylwia Mroszczyk
Vol 66, No 1 (2019): Księga Jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Lechowi Dubelowi Roman Hausner (1883–1947) – a Prominent Lawyer of Interwar Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jarosław Kostrubiec
Vol 61, No 2 (2014) Roman Law in Legal Education in Poland in the Period of 1944−1949 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Bożena Anna Czech-Jezierska
Vol 64, No 2 (2017) Rules of Application of EU Law and the Activity of Polish Public Administration Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Karolina Karpus
Vol 63, No 1 (2016) Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Gian Domenico Romagnosi Details   PDF (Język Polski)
Katarzyna Justyna Dudek
Vol 68, No 2 (2021) Scientific Report from the International Conference “Local Administration during the First and Second World Wars”, Prague, September 8–10, 2021 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Hubert Mielnik
Vol 62, No 2 (2015) Selected Legal Regulations of Sickness Insurance, Pension Insurance and Accident Insurance in the Context of Constitutional Principle of Equality and Justice Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Inetta Jędrasik-Jankowska
Vol 61, No 1 (2014) Selected Problems of Regulations Concerning the Scientific and Teaching Staff Time of Work Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Mariusz Wieczorek
Vol 60, No 2 (2013) Self-defence as a Circumstance Excluding Illegality in the Criminal Law of Ukraine Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Yuriy Baulin, Nataliya Lashchuk, Oksana Bronevytska, Taras Sozanskyy
Vol 60, No 2 (2013) Self-defence in Polish Criminal Law (Basic Problems) Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Marek Mozgawa
Vol 70, No 3 (2023): Anniversary Book Dedicated to Professor Wiesław Piotr Tekely, eds. Hubert Mielnik, Andrzej Wrzyszcz Service in a Foreign Army and Related Factual Basis of Criminal Offences in the Interwar Czechoslovak Criminal Law Abstract   PDF
Vilém Knoll, Denisa Kotroušová, Aneta Schwarzová, Marián Byszowiec
Vol 67, No 2 (2020) Servus non in omnibus rebus sine poena domino dicto audiens esse solet ... (Glosa ad Alfeni lib. secundo digestorum, D. 44.7.20) Abstract
Aldona Rita Jurewicz
Vol 63, No 2 (2016) Social Harmfulness of an Act as General Remanding Clause in the Criminal Law Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Magdalena Budyn-Kulik, Marek Kulik
Vol 62, No 2 (2015) Social Security of the Customs Service Officers in the Light of the Constitutional Principle of Equality Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Mariusz Wieczorek
Vol 66, No 1 (2019): Księga Jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Lechowi Dubelowi Some Reflections on aequitas and iustitia in Roman Jurists’ Concepts Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Marek Kuryłowicz
Vol 63, No 1 (2016) Some Remarks about the Art. 233 C.C. (False Testimony) on the Ground of the Act of 11th March 2016 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Magdalena Budyn-Kulik
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