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Author Guidelines

1. The length of the articles: minimum 20 000 characters, including spaces, notes and refer-ences.

2. The length of the review: minimum 10 000 characters, including spaces, notes and refer-ences.

3. The texts should be sent in the electronic version in the .doc format to the electronic ad-dress of the secretary of the Editorial Board- prof. Małgorzata Podolak -

4. The editorial board invites the authors to publish in Polish, English, Russian, French and German.

5. The rules of edition:

  • lack of application of majuscule in the title of the article and the part of the article
  • lack of application of boldface and underlining in the text
  • the quotations are written in antiqua in inverted commas (without the use of italics)
  • foreign words (Latin, English in non-English text, Russian in non-Russian text) should be written in italics, e.g. primo
  • the references to the footnotes should be put before the stop character
  • mentioning the name of the institution or the organisation should be stated in the full name, e.g. United Nations
  • first mentioning of the person should be stated with the use of the full name, e.g. Lech Kaczyński
  • in an English text the names of the organizations should be referred to in full names in English, e.g. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR)
  • dates: 25 X 2008, 25th of October, in October, 2008
  • decades are written literally: in the eighties
  • the application of the pause with no space, e.g. 1945–1989

6. The author should submit the summary in Polish and English (up to 500 characters), key words and the biogram of the author (affiliation, post, title and academic degree, e-mail and the address).

7. The graphic materials (photos, scans, maps, diagrams) should be placed in the text and in the supplementary files in the format of .jpg.; the tables should be prepared in Microsoft Word and the tables should be only in the texts.

8. Table

Table 1

The title of the table font size 9











The source: The bibliographic description font size 9

9. Formatting of the text:

  • font of the main text: Times New Roman 12
  • font in footnotes: Times New Roman 10
  • interline 1,5
  • partition of the text

10. The footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page with the use of the Latin abbre-viation (Ibidem, op. cit., Idem, Eadem).

11. In the languages based on cyrillic language the publications should be saved in the main text and in the references with cyrillic language, whereas in the bibliography one should make use of the latinised forms.

12. Obligatory forms applied in the footnotes:

  • a monograph

    N. Surname, Title of the monograph in italics, Publishing House, Warsaw 2010, p. xx.

  • an article in the monograph
  • an article in the scientific journal

    N. Surname, Title of the article in italics, „Title of the Scientific journal”, 2008, nr 4, p. xx.

  • a source publication in press (date and the number of the page- necessary)

    N. Surname, Title of the source in italics, „Title of the Newspaper”, 23 IX 2013, nr 56, p. xx.

  • a legal act

    „Journal of Laws”, nr xx, pos. xxx, „Law on the rules of edition from 23 I 2014”, p. xx.

  • archival sources

    The Archives of the Modern Records, The Archives of the Political Parties, sign. 21/B/34, t. 3, „Title of the archival dokument”, c. 2.

  • an electronic document in the scientific text

    N. Surname, Title of the scientific publication in the Internet, electronic address, p. x, access 23 VIII 2013.

  • a source material from the Internet (one needs to give the name of the subject respon-sible for the website or the name of the website and the day of obtaining data). Website of the Faculty of Political Science,, „Title of the document”, access 23 VIII 2013.

13. It is obligatory to add bibliography to the text which must be divided into sources and literature.

14. Obligatory forms applicable in bibliography:

  • Kowalski J., the Title of the publication, Publishing House, Warsaw 2002.
  • Nowak B., the Title of the article, [in:] the Title of the monograph, ed. N. Kowalczyk, Publishing House, Lublin 2014.
  • Piotrowski J., the Title of the article, „Scientific Newspaper”, 2005, nr 3.
  • Nowakowski T., the Title of the article, „Daily Newspaper”, 2 X 2013, nr 23.
  • Nowak J., the Title of the publication available in the Internet,
  • The website of UMCS,, „Adjuvant materials for studying history”.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal. Additionally, you have ready to attach with your article signed percentage of author`s work declaration.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  7. Please note!

    Dear Author, here you will find a hint how to properly upload your article.

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