Typology of Tourist Packages Based on Criteria of Reservation Systems

Monika Widz


The article proposes a typology of tourist packages based on the criteria contained in the most popular travel agency reservation system. As the main source of information on tourist packages are computer reservation systems, their evolution from the 19th century to the present is discussed. The research was conducted using several methods: meta-analysis of definitions and classifications of tourist packages found in the literature on the subject; survey research using CATI technique among travel agency employees in Lublin; query of tourist packages based on criteria included in the reservation system MerlinX. The results obtained allowed us to propose a typology of tourist packages, mainly based on: the place of service provision; the number and type of services that make up the package; services included or not included in the package price. The following packages were distinguished: stay, tour, stay-tour and optional, which are divided into basic and extended. For the third criterion, i.e. price, optional services were distinguished. In addition, the characteristics of the packages were identified, taking into account five criteria: destination; transport; duration (number of nights); category of accommodation; board option.


tourist package; reservation systems; CRS; GDS

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/b.2024.79.0.115-132
Date of publication: 2025-02-07 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2025-01-29 10:05:25


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