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Author Guidelines

§ 1

1. Articles should be sent to the following e-mail address: or .

§  2

1. The article should not be longer than 30 000 characters with spaces while the reviews and reports should have less than 20 000 characters with spaces. The article may be shortened before publishing.

2. Title of a review must be established in accordance with the following example: Name initial, surname, academic degree (in italics), place and year of publishing, number of pages, e.g. M. Cymborska-Leboda, Twórczość w kręgu mitu. Myśl estetyczno-filozoficzna i poetyka gatunków dramatycznych symbolistów rosyjskich, Lublin 1997, pp. 302.

3. Citations in main text should be put in quotation marks, no italics. Only citations longer than one sentence are separated; use font 10 pts. and single spacing. 
4. Titles of books, poems, articles, movies, TV and radio programmes are written in italics, e.g. With Fire and Sword.

5. Titles of newspapers and journals are written in double quotes, no italics, e.g. „Pamiętnik Literacki”.

6. “French” quotes can be used: «...», e.g. „The Teutonic Knight said «It’s good that they didn’t eat cookies»”.

7. If the citation complements the sentence, a dot is places after quotation marks in Polish. If the citation consists of a whole sentence, a dot is placed before the quotation mark, e.g.: The Author eliminates all props looking like from „some quiet place in a Bałucki comedy”. „The Author and the actor may create subconsciously – the director must know about it.”

8. Comments shall be in square brackets followed by initials of their author, e.g. 
During the Great War [with Teutonic Knights – author’s note. A. G.] many tragic events took place.

9. Shortening a cited fragment of a text must be signalled by suspension points in square brackets: […].

10. Foreign words are written in italics, e.g. stricte.

11. When introducing a literary character or an author, a full name should be given. It does not apply to footnotes.

12. The difference between an en dash and a hyphen must be noted. An en dash („–”) is used as a punctuation mark and with dates and page numbers, e.g. pg. 26–28. A hyphen („-”) is used for hyphenated names, e.g. Rydz-Śmigły.

13. The text must be justified.

14. Footnotes should be created according to a traditional Latin system. Detailed guidelines for footnotes are listed in § 20 of the statute.

15. No paragraph indentations can be used in footnotes. 

16. Numbers and bullets cannot be written by hand. Use automatic numbering and bullets.
17. If in one point, there is more than one uttering, the sentences must be separated by dots (or exclamation marks, or question marks) and a semicolon must be placed at the end, e.g..:

  • ktokolwiek będziesz w nowogródzkiej stronie, do Płużyn ciemnego boru wjechawszy, pomnij zatrzymać twe konie, byś się przypatrzył jezioru. Świteź tam jasne rozprzestrzenia łona;
  • ile cię trzeba cenić, ten tylko się dowie, kto cię stracił. Dziś piękność twą w całej ozdobie widzę i opisuję, bo tęsknię po tobie;
  • jedzą, piją, lulki palą. Tańce, hulanka, swawola. Ledwie karczmy nie rozwalą.

18. Numbers should be spelled, e.g. thirty three (not: „33”). It does not apply when there are many numbers in a text, e.g. in statistical calculations. Full month names should be used (e.g. May 12, 2001). The spelling of the terms "age", "year" (e.g. in 20th century, in [the year] 1998), decades (in forties [not: „in 40ties” or „in 40’”]) are spelled as full words. Percentages are also spelled (e.g. forty percent). 

19. Do not use hard spaces and double spaces. 

20. For Authors using two names, do not out spaces between the two initials, e.g. M.R. Mayenowa. A space between initials of a name and surname should be used in author’s notes e.g. „[– przyp. J. G.]”.

21. Provide DOIs for referenced works, if available.

§ 3

1. The guide provides basic guidelines and examples for in-text citations using the Harvard Referencing System. It also applies if more than two bibliographic entries are given. Furthermore, auxiliary citation form follows a classical Chicago system of creating descriptive footnotes, which consists in placing a reference in the main text and the content of the footnote at the bottom of the page. Please note that this procedure is optional. The classical system is used only when introducing supplementary content and expanding the main argument, digressions, etc.

2. Short citations should specify the name of the author and the year of publication. The page numbers on which the referenced content is situated should be placed after the comma.

Example: (Weber 2002, 67)

3. For more works of different authors, use a semicolon to separate them.

Example: (Weber 2002, 67; Janion 1996, 12–15)

4. For more works of the same author, use a semicolon to separate them, yet do not repeat the surname.

Example: (Janion 1996, 12–15; 2001, 75)

5. For multiple works of a given author published in the same year, distinguish them by adding lowercase letters "a", "b", "c", etc. to the year of issue.

Example: (Bartmiński 2001a, 14)

6. If the name of the author appears in the main text, do not repeat the surname in brackets, but only write the year of publication and the range of pages.

E.g. [...] in her work Maria Janion (2001, 75) discusses the issue of [...]

7. For the work of two people with the same surname, provide the initial of the name in brackets.

Example: (T. Nowak 1977; J. Nowak 2011)

8. If the entry has two or three authors or editors, place all names with a comma separating them.

Example: (Janion, Żmigrodzka 1978, 15–20)

9. For more than three authors or editors, use the first listed author’s name in the in-text citation, followed by “et al.” and the publishing year.

Example: (Bartmiński, 2004)

Reference list

– for articles in Polish, use abbreviations in Polish (i.e. “red.”, “przeł.”, “i in.”, “s.”, “tenże”, “też”, “tamże”);

– for articles in other languages (i.e. in English and Russian) use abbreviations commonly used in these languages;

– the name of the publishing house is required in English; in Polish and Russian do not provide the names of publishers;

– in the case of book chapters, edited articles in the monographic volume and articles in magazines, page numbers should be provided;

Here is an exemplary reference list citations for Polish, English and Russian, respectively:


Weber Max (2002), Gospodarka i społeczeństwo. Zarys socjologii rozumiejącej, przeł. D. Lachowska, Warszawa.

Jalland Patricia (1996), Death in the Victorian Family, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Кун Томас (1975), Структура научных революций, перев. И.З. Налётова, Москва.

Chapters in books

Nycz Ryszard (2012), Kulturowa teoria literatury – wyjaśnienia i propozycje, [w:] Tenże, Poetyka doświadczenia. Teoria – nowoczesność – literatura, Warszawa, s. 109–127.     

Jameson Fredric (2005), The Great Schism, [in:] Idem, Archaeologies of the Future. The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions, London: Verso, pp. 57–71.

Катаев Владимир (2004), Христос и Дарвин в мире Чехова, [в:] Его же, Чехов плюс... Предшественники, современники, преемники, Москва, с. 157–166.

Edited Monographic Volumes

Bartmiński Jerzy (red.) (2001), Współczesny język polski, Lublin.

Durczak Jerzy, Frelik Paweł (eds.) (2011), Misreading America. American Dreams, Fictions and Illusions, Kraków: Universitas.

Камалова Алла (ред.) (2011), Когнитивная поэтика: проблемы, опыт исследования, Ольштын.

An Article in Edited Monographic Volumes

Wojtak Maria (2001), Styl urzędowy, [w:] Współczesny język polski, red. J. Bartmiński, Lublin, s. 155–171.

Shavit Zohar (2006), Translation of Children’s Literature, [in:] The Translation of Children’s Literature, ed. G. Lathey, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters,  pp. 25–40.


Гилазетдинова Гелиня (2015), Грамматические варианты восточных заимствований в русском языке ХV–ХVII вв., [в:] Академик А.А. Шахматов: жизнь, творчество, научное наследие (к 150-летию со дня рождения), ред. О.Н. Крылова, М.Н. Приемышева, Санкт-Петербург, с.. 453–462.

Journal Articles

Stefanowska Zofia (1968), Norwidowski romantyzm, „Pamiętnik Literacki”, z. 4, s. 3–23.

Behrens Heike (2009), Usage-based and emergentist approaches to language acquisition, “Linguistics”, vol. 47 (2), DOI:, pp. 383–411.

Крысин Леонид (1991), Этапы освоения иноязычного слова, „Русский язык в школе”, № 3, с. 74‒78.

If the cited work has a DOI number (digital identifier), it should be noted in the bibliographic description, as in the example above.

Sources from the Internet (follow the same citation style for articles found on a Website)

Sobolewska Justyna (2016), Odys zaszyty w śmieciach, [online:],1, [dostęp: 8.10.2018].

Smith Graham (2015), The making of oral history, [online:]
[accessed: 8.10.2018].

Копылова Вера (2012), Жизнь замечательного Пелевина. Неизвестная биография автора «Generation П», [online:] [доступ: 8.10.2018].

Theatre performances and films

Piaskowski Jędrzej (reż.) (2018), Trzy siostry, premiera, Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, Lublin, 9.03.

Kieślowski Krzysztof (reż.) (1981), Przypadek.

Bell, J (dir.) (2011), Much ado about nothing, theatre performance, Drama Theatre, Sydney Opera House, 10 April 2011.

Miller Tim (dir.) (2016), Deadpool, Marvel Entertainment.

Могучий Андрей (реж.) (2015), Пьяные, премьера, Большой Драматический театр им. Г.А. Товстоногова, Санкт-Петербург, 5 мая.

Эйзенштейн Сергей (реж.) (1925), Броненосец «Потёмкин».


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal. Additionally, you have ready to attach with your article signed percentage of author`s work declaration.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  7. Please note!

    Dear Author, here you will find a hint how to properly upload your article.


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